Fraud Prevention

Archive for the ‘Fraud Prevention’ Category

Phishing scam

Schwab Phishing Scam Alert

A new phishing scam involves attackers texting individuals from an international number about a disbursement from their Schwab account. This is an attempt to get people to provide their login credentials. Here's how it works.
world password day

Celebrate the Importance of World Password Day

World Password Day reminds us how important it is to maintain secure passwords. Here's why and how to track them.
tax scam

Watch Out For These Common Tax Scams

There's no shortage of financial scams throughout the year, and tax season always brings new ones. Watch out for these.
record retention rules

Record Retention Rules for Individuals

Record retention rules can be confusing. Here is some guidance on what you need to keep and for how long.

Beware of COVID-19 Scams

COVID-19 scams are running rampant, targeting the elderly, individuals with pre-existing conditions, and low-income Medicaid recipients. The fraudulent sales pitches are coming via telemarketing calls, robocalls, social media posts, emails, fake websites with ‘stores,’ and even door-to-door visits. Health care fraud has always been one of the most prevalent forms of identity theft, and now […]
check fraud

An Important Tip to Help Avoid Check Fraud

As if it’s not hard enough to remember to write the new year on your checks, now authorities are warning about a new check fraud scam specific to this year – 2020. If you abbreviate 2020 as ’20 on legal documents (e.g. checks and contracts), scammers can easily alter the date, leaving individuals vulnerable to […]

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